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SpectraFlow Analytics was the first in the industry to use near infrared technology for the analysis of organic and inorganic raw materials in the field. By combining this sensitive analytical method with a state of the art FTIR spectrometer, SpectraFlow has provided over 10 years of exceptionally robust and accurate sensors to the cement and minerals industries.

The rapid expansion of Advanced Process Control (APC) has shone a spotlight on the outdated state of quality control in the mineral resource industry, with manual sampling and, at best, hourly material analyses. SpectraFlow harnesses big data and artificial intelligence to build highly sophisticated calibration models for measuring mineralogy and chemistry in real time.

SpectraFlow was inspired by a market that began to seek alternatives to on-belt PGNAA sensors. SpectraFlow was realized through implementing an analysis method that was not only safer, but more accurate and more extensively applicable, due to the fundamental measurement of mineralogy.

Our partners have adopted best practice by putting safety, online measurement and big data first through the use of our analyzers.

The use of NIR technology means:
Unlimited source shelf life
Zero permitting or import restrictions
Indepenence from belt load variation
Belt-wide measurement spot to cover the complete raw material width on the belt
Completely safe operation
Easy maintenance
Uncomplicated handling and disposal of sources
No interruption of production
Our latest news
Over 75 analyzers in 25 countries
on all continents
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